Henry augustus loop
Henry augustus loop

henry augustus loop

Letter from Timothy Tredwell to Julia Tredwell, March 3, 1865. The disease is characterized by a wide range of symptoms, including swelling, coma, stroke, convulsions, and blindness. Belcher, states he died from acute kidney failure caused by Bright’s Disease, now known as acute or chronic nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys). Seabury’s death certificate, signed by Dr.

henry augustus loop

(For more information about homeopathy and the Tredwell family’s physicians, see my blog post of October 2016: The Doctor in the House is a Homeopath!). Belcher had converted to homeopathy from conventional medical treatments in 1844. Belcher (1818-1890), a practitioner of homeopathy, an alternative medical practice. Now we turn our attention to his final illness and death in March 1865.įor some years leading up to his death, Seabury’s attending physician was Dr. His years of hard work led to outstanding success and enormous wealth. (For more information about Seabury Tredwell’s hardware business and investments, see Seabury Tredwell: The Merchant Years and Seabury Tredwell: Man of Opportunity).

henry augustus loop

For 30 years until his death he maintained an active life, keeping pace with the enormous economic changes taking place in New York City and making shrewd investments in real estate, railroads, and natural gas. That same year, Seabury Tredwell moved his family from their home on Dey Street, in lower Manhattan not far from the seaport, to a Late Federal/Greek Revival row house on Fourth Street, in the neighborhood then known as the elite “Bond Street area.” He was 55 years old, and not about to retire from the world. On February 4, 1835, a notice appeared in the Shipping and Commercial List and New-York Price Current that the hardware firm of Tredwell, Kissam, and Company, which had flourished for over 20 years on Pearl Street, was “dissolved by mutual consent.” Seabury Tredwell, by Henry Augustus Loop.

Henry augustus loop